


Dr. 杰森C. Senjem is a Professor and Chair of the Department of 管理. Dr. Senjem teaches courses on entrepreneurship and innovation, social企业家精神, 组织行为, 人力资源管理, 战略管理. He teaches service-learning and learning community courses, as well as study abroad in Italy. He researches entrepreneurship and sustainability, focusing on how organizations use innovative work practices to create economic, social, 以及环境价值.

Dr. Senjem is published in the Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 集团 and Organization 管理, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, and The SAGE Sourcebook of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. He reviews for the Journal of 管理. He has presented papers at international meetings of the Academy of 管理, 策略管理学会, 英国管理学会, and Babson-Kaufman Entrepreneurship conferences.

Dr. Senjem is a 20-year member of the Academy of 管理, American Psychological Association, Society for Human Resource 管理, and 策略管理学会. He serves on the Hilltop Campus Village Economic Vitality Committee in Davenport. He teaches workshops for the St. galaxy银河娱乐场app Professional Development Center and consults for small businesses. Prior to his career in academia, he worked for Mayo Clinic in Admissions and 信息rmation Technology. Dr. Senjem previously taught at Syracuse University and St. 诺伯特学院.


  • PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder, Business Administration
  • MS, Purdue University, Human Resource 管理/Organizational Behavior
  • BA, University of Minnesota, Industrial/Organizational Psychology

更多关于博士. Senjem


MGMT 210 Principles of 管理
MGMT 216创业精神 & 创新
MGMT 318 Social Entrepreneurship
MGMT 399 Study Abroad: Made in Italy
MGMT 449战略管理
MBA 621 Human Behavior in Organizations
MBA 800 Business Policy and Strategy Capstone
DBA 941团队
DBA 950组织变革

Noteworthy Publications and Presentations

Senjem J. C. (2018). Community engagement: How the Art Institute of 芝加哥 is improving the lives of teens. Coordinator for professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, 芝加哥, IL.

Senjem J. C. (2017). The role of creative collectives in social innovations. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Atlanta, GA.

Senjem J. C. (2017). In pursuit of the sustainable enterprise. Paper presented at the Sustainability, 道德, and Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 圣胡安, 波多黎各.

Senjem J. C. (2015). Getting beyond service-learning myths in management education. 在阿. Delano-Oriaran, M. Penick-Parks, & S. Fondrie (Eds.), The SAGE sourcebook of service-learning and civic engagement (pp. 201-209). 加利福尼亚州千橡市:Sage.

穆勒,年代.D'Intino, R. S.沃尔斯克,J.埃伦哈德,M. L.纽伯特,南卡罗来纳州. L.罗宾逊,J. A., & Senjem J. C. (2015). What's holding back social企业家精神? Removing the impediments to theoretical advancement. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 6(3), 245-256.

Senjem J. C. (2014). Entrepreneurial, organizational, and institutional influences on environmental practice adoption. Professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 丹佛, CO.

Senjem J. C. (2013). Is CSR, sustainability, and entrepreneurship holding back social企业家精神 research? Professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Orlando, FL.

Senjem J. C. (2012). Social entrepreneurship: Business models in the formal and informal economy. Panelist for the professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, 波士顿, MA.

Senjem J. C. (2011). Social entrepreneurship and broader theories: Shedding new light on the bigger picture. Panelist for the professional development workshop presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, 圣安东尼奥, TX.

Senjem J. C., & 理查兹,J. (2010). Shades of green: Entrepreneurial influences on environmental practice adoption. Paper presented at the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Senjem J. C. (2007). A ‘doing good' framework for motivation theory and practice. Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Philadelphia, PA.

Senjem J. C. (2005). Assessing organizational outcomes of human capital investment strategies. Paper presented at the meeting of the 策略管理学会, Orlando, FL.

Senjem J. C.里灵顿,K. K., & Goranova, M. L. (2003). Is profitability linked to social networks in new Hollywood film ventures? Paper presented at the meeting of the Academy of 管理, Seattle, WA.

Senjem J. C., & 里德,K. (2002). Social capital and network entrepreneurs. 保罗·雷诺兹等人. (Eds.), Frontiers of entrepreneurship research. Babson Park, MA: Babson College, Center for Entrepreneurial Studies.

Senjem J. C. (2001). Do employment modes influence the decay of human capital in initial public offering firms? Paper presented at the Babson College-Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 延雪平, 瑞典.

Senjem J. C. (1999). Human resource flexibility: Supporting creativity and performance in a deconstructing world. Paper presented at the meeting of the 策略管理学会, Berlin, Germany.

Koberg C. K.老板,R. W.J .森杰姆. C., & 古德曼,E. A. (1999). Antecedents and outcomes of empowerment: Empirical evidence from the health care industry. 集团 & Organization 管理, 24(1), 71-91.


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